Wednesday, November 3, 2010

IF Spent

Time well-spent, that's the idea that stuck with me as I pondered the topic this week. One of my favorite ways to spend time is with a good book. I love reading for myself, reading to my kids and browsing in bookstores. I based this painting on a sketch I made of my daughter and added some whimsy.

Thanks for looking! Have a great day.


  1. great illo - i love the peacefulness and yet playfulness of this piece

  2. What a nice illustration, great stuff.

  3. a nice way to spend time...I love the mice! they are always a fun detail( i have one in mine this week, too! :)

  4. Great message. That is time well spent as was the time you spent on this wonderful illustration. Thanks for sharing. Those mice ROCK!!

  5. Oh this is lovely. i really like the touch of whimsy you gave it:)

  6. oh what a fun illo the mice are a wonderful touch!

  7. I love that the mouse hole, on closer inspection, is actually a little door!

  8. Fun! Definitely time well spent on all counts.
